Communities in Schools (CIS)
Our Mission
Communities In Schools’ mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.
Our Vision
In 2015, the four-year graduation rate for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) was 70.6%. More than 20,000 Angelenos are entering the economy every year without a high school diploma. The vision of Communities In Schools of Los Angeles is that every student in Los Angeles’ public schools receives the supports he or she needs in order to develop the emotional, social and learning skills required to graduate high school ready for meaningful employment or higher education.
Our Story
Communities In Schools (CIS) is the nation’s leading high school dropout prevention organization. Working nationally with nearly 1.5 million students in 27 states, CIS is the only organization proven to increase graduation rates and decrease dropout rates in the schools in which they serve. Since its founding in 2007, CIS of Los Angeles has grown to serve over 10,000 students and families per year at 10 traditional, Title 1 public schools across LAUSD, with over 6,000 students having received individual case management.
Our Schools
Alexander Hamilton High School
Daniel Webster Middle School
Felicitas and Gonzalo Mendez Learning Center
Hollenbeck Middle School
Le Conte Middle School
John Liechty Middle School
Manual Arts High School
Mark Twain Middle School
Santee Education Complex
William Jefferson Clinton Middle School