Senior Class 22-23
Hamilton 22-23 Graduation
Senior Parent Meeting 9/8/22
Senior Lunch Passes
Eligibility Criteria
- Student must be on track to graduate
- Students must have a 2.0 GPA or above
- Students must have fewer than 4 U's on the 5 week progress report
- Student must not have any disciplinary action from this semester
- Students must maintain fewer than 3 unexcused tardies or period absences per week once the lunch pass has been issued
Senior Lunch Passes - Completing the Form
- Forms will be available on the Senior Page of the Hami Website or through Academic Counselors
- Parents/Guardians signature will be accepted on the form by:
- Signing in the presence of school staff
- Video of Parent/Guardian signing (ID must be shown in video)
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