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School Site Council Meeting
There will be a combined Hamilton High School Site Council on Thursday, May 19th at 4:00 p.m. All are invited to attend. To join the meeting, please join the Zoom meeting at the following link:
Join Zoom Meeting https://lausd.zoom.us/j/89974196073?pwd=d1ZoNWJiakdJVEFnRVUwWVVXaVB4dz09
Meeting ID: 899 7419 6073
Passcode: council
Reunión del Consejo Escolar
Habrá una reunion local combinado de Hamilton High School el Jueves 19 de Mayo a las 4:00p.m. Todos están invitados a asistir. Para asistir a la reunión, únase por medio de Zoom en el siguiente enlace:
Para asistir a la reunión por Zoom https://lausd.zoom.us/j/89974196073?pwd=d1ZoNWJiakdJVEFnRVUwWVVXaVB4dz09
Identificación: 899 7419 6073
Código de acceso: council
SSC 2020-21 MEMBER
Congratulations to our newly elected School Site Council Members!
Also, thank you to every other parent, student, and staff who took interest and submitted their names for nomination!
We appreciate all of you!
Principal: Brenda Pensamiento
Teacher (2yr): Alex Fawcett
Teacher (2yr): Dr. Joseph Llamas
Teacher (1yr): Dr.Zachary Cue
Teacher (1yr): Jenise Cooley
School Staff Other (2yr): Dean Seislove
Student (2yr): Nkechinyere Omuson
Student (2yr): Amina Lamar
Student (1yr): Shaheera Abbasi
Parent (2yr): Greg Anderson
Parent (2yr): Chris Brinkley
Parent (1yr): Lisa Holloway- Shinn
Please join us for our next School Site Council Meeting this Thursday, October 15th at 4:00 p.m. Come learn how the School Site Council shapes the future of Hami High!
School Site Council Parent Membership and Elections
Just as a reminder, there are three Parent seats open on the 2020-21 School Site Council. There are two (2) two-year seats, and one (1) one-year seats. This is an extremely important decision making council that makes decisions about federal funding and important programs for the school. There are approximately six one-hour meetings for the entire year.
Now is the time to make a difference in the decision making at Hamilton High School. We need your participation! We heartily encourage all parents and staff to attend our School Site Council (SSC) and English Learner Advisory (ELAC) orientation meeting on Thursday, September 10th, at 4:15 p.m. before Back to School Night. Come learn how SSC and ELAC shape the future of Hami High, and how you can be a member of these important leadership councils.
SSC/ELAC Orientation Registration
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) identifies and addresses the instructional needs of students based on verifiable student data. The SPSA establishes goals for improving student achievement and address how categorical funds will be used to improve academic performance.
Thanks to the wonderful response from students and parents to submit meal applications on time, Hamilton High School received a Title I ranking of 70.5%. This ranking ensures that Hamilton High School will receive Title I funding for categorical programs outlined in the SPSA.
The Goals for the SPSA are:
- Academic Goal- 100% Graduation
- Academic Goal- English Language Arts
- Academic Goal- Mathematics
- Academic Goal- English Learner Programs
- Culture and Climate Goal-Student, Staff, Parent and Community Engagement
For the SPSA 2018-2019, Hamilton High will be focusing on the following goals:
100% Graduation
Measurable Objective: By June 2019, the number of students graduating in four years will increase from 89.4% (2016-17) to 91% (2018-19).
Measurable Objective: By June 2019, there will be a 7% decrease of students receiving D’s and Fails in Algebra I (30% to 23%) and a 8% decrease of students receiving D’s and Fails in Geometry (28% to 20%) measured by the spring semester report card grades.School Site Council recently approved a budget to increase Math tutoring services in Algebra and Geometry in order to achieve our math objectives. Please check the calendar below for the new math tutoring schedule.
English Learner Programs
Measurable Objective: By June 2019, Hamilton High School will increase the English Learner reclassification rate by 5% from 13% (2017-18) to 18% (2018-19).
Culture and Climate Goal-Student, Staff, Parent and Community Engagement
Measurable Objective 1: By June 2019, Hamilton High School will increase the amount of School Experience Surveys completed and submitted from 84% to 90% for students, 100% for staff, and 34% to 47% for parents. (2016-17)
Measurable Objective 2: By June 2019, Hamilton High School will increase the percentage of students who feel like they are a part of this school from 50% (2016-17) to 75% as identified by the School Experience Survey.
The Hamilton High School Site Council (SSC) is responsible for the development, annual review, and update of this plan. The composition of the SSC includes elected representatives from students, parents, classroom teachers, other school staff, and the principal. After reviewing data and getting feedback from all stakeholder groups, School Site Council is in the process of submitting Hamilton High School’s SPSA for 2018-19.
For the SPSA 2018-2019, Hamilton High will be focusing on the following goals:
- Academic Goal- 100% Graduation
- Academic Goal- English Language Arts
- Academic Goal- Mathematics
- Academic Goal- English Learner Programs
- Culture and Climate Goal-Student, Staff, Parent and Community Engagement
HAMI Parents & Students:
The Meal Codes are expiring SOON! It is important that all students complete a meal application for 2017-18 as soon as possible!
Click on images to apply!
2020-2021 SPSA
Hamilton Family:
Here is our Single Plan for Student Achievement for the 2021-2022 academic year. If you have any questions regarding the Single Plan please contact the Title I Coordinator at 310-280-1414.
Math Tutoring Flyers
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