BSAP Overview*
BSAP Overview
Welcome to the Black Student Achievement Plan homepage! We believe that successful Black student achievement is defined by high academic performance, strong social-emotional awareness and management, and positive cultural identity. Furthermore, strategies and methods utilized to cultivate these things shall be directly responsive to the unique needs of Black students due in large, to the historic and ongoing social and economic conditions experienced by Black people.
Director's Statement
I am Eva Carpenter and I am the excited and proud BSAP Instructional Coordinator here at Hamilton High School. The Hamilton BSAP team and I are working hard to ensure that our scholars excel and thrive in areas of academic achievement, attendance and social emotional well being. We take pride in our BSAP community partnerships as well as our relationships with our families and community organizations to elevate scholars' overall school experience.Click here to read more
Get Your Mind Right - Mr. Wesley
My name is Wesley Ace and I am the BSAP Administrator for the Black Student Achievement Plan at Hamilton High School. The Black Student Achievement Plan (BSAP) team is very pleased to support our black scholars and families this school year in the areas of academic achievement, school experience, and support as well as parent, family, and student engagement. Click here to read more
Math Football League
The program will begin Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. It will take place after school every Monday from 4pm - 6pm in Room 511.
The tutoring program is open to all students. Those who have been assigned will receive priority registration. Registration forms are due by Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. Click on the link below and complete the registration form to sign up for the tutoring class.
For those students who require transportation, late buses will be available and will depart at 6:15pm.
Students are asked to arrive each Monday by 4pm. The campus will be closed by 6:30pm and all students must be off campus by that time unless they are being supervised or accompanied by an adult Staff Member.
Please contact me, Mr. Campbell, or any BSAP Team member listed below if you have any questions via email or at our extension listed below.
BSAP Past Events
BSAP Past Events
BSAP Winter Wonderland (Saturday, Dec 7, 2024 - 9AM to 1PM)
BSAP Parent Meeting Parent Meeting (Tuesday,
October 8th (Click on image for more info)
BSAP Current Events
SBAC testing - The Hamilton Humanities team is committed to creating a nurturing space that inspires students to excel. Confident in their students’ abilities, the team expects the best performance in tests and academics, fostering motivation and trust within the educational community. |
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