Offices - Dean
The Dean’s Office welcomes students, parents, and staff to work together to ensure a safe and healthy school campus. Caring and responsive staff working in the Dean’s Office respond to student, staff, and parent concerns by utilizing the practices outlined in Hamilton High’s School‐Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (SWPBIS) Plan. Two full-time, fully trained Deans work in conjunction with the School’s Restorative Justice Teacher to help students resolve conflicts and adhere to the standards detailed in the school’s Code of Conduct. By fostering a welcoming and respectful environment, where students are valued and encouraged to embrace the Restorative Justice principles of Relationship, Respect, Responsibility, Repair, and Reintegration, the Dean’s Office helps students develop behaviors that promote student success and maintain a positive learning environment.
Deans' Statement

As Dean of students, we are committed to upholding an inclusive, respectful and safe learning community that will actively confront and challenge racism, sexism, heterosexism, religious bigotry, and other forms of harassment and discrimination. We encourage individual growth by promoting a free exchange of ideas in a setting that values diversity, trust and equality.

What I enjoy most about my position of Dean of Students at Hamilton HS, is assisting students in their matriculation and growth through High School. We actively support student behavior with our "Code of Conduct" and matrix for progressive discipline. We also promote an environment free of prejudice, where students feel safe and may focus on their educational goals.